I want to apply for a loan, however, I don't want my credit to be checked a million times before I get one. I have excellent credit, however, I will be asking for a rather large loan (about 30k) and although I may recieve less than that amount, I want to initially choose the right bank that is going to give me close to that amount.
Is it easier to get a loan at a credit union than it is at a regular bank?
I work for a credit union, and can tell you credit unions usually offer lower rates on loans. The reason for this is credit unions operate using members' shares. They're not publicly traded, and therefore, aren't accountable to stockholders. They're accountable to the people who actually have accounts. With the customers actually running the show, the credit union has to offer lower rates on loans, and higher rates on deposit accounts, otherwise they'll go out of business.
At my credit union, we offer rates as low as 5.49% on car loans for 4 yrs, 5.74% for 5 or 6 yrs, and 5.99% on 7 yrs. With 6 yr loans, the minimum amount financed is $20,000, and for 7 yrs., $30,000.00 You can go to www.western.org, and calculate payments there, too.
Is it easier to get a loan at a credit union than it is at a regular bank?
If you already have a bank, itn's it easier to use them, than someone else ??? They have your credit on file and know how much you make...
Is it easier to get a loan at a credit union than it is at a regular bank?
Well I will start by saying I hate my bank, When I got my truck loan for 50 k I went through a credit union and they were able to fit me with the best possible interest rate and payments were I wont them. No other bank could get close. So I do believe a credit union is better.
Is it easier to get a loan at a credit union than it is at a regular bank?
its always easier to loan from a credit union since banks have so many requirements before you get a loan. Several credit unions do not require collaterals when processing loans.
Is it easier to get a loan at a credit union than it is at a regular bank?
It may be, and/or you may get better terms. I got a nice deal from a credit union that my bank wouldn't match.
Is it easier to get a loan at a credit union than it is at a regular bank?
There may be something of use here.
Is it easier to get a loan at a credit union than it is at a regular bank?
I am Mr Peterson Chris.I am a legitimate loan lender who gives out loans at low interest rate of 3%.Are you finacially down?Do you want to pay your bills?Is your credit score low?If yes,then you are in need of a loan.I deal with only honest people who are really in need of this loan.If interested contact me today with the loan of loan you need so that my loan terms and condition will be forwarded to you.You are to mail me or contact me through this email address
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