Everyone please be carefull ,I called the BBB and they flat out told me they were scamers! This is the truth!!!!and the people offering more loans are ,who i belive are the same bone-heads,after i called Mr.Burke and told him what i thought of him and his company,and told him what i was about to do +bout this,he replies here on this site in a matter of minutes after i hung up with him,Please people i am having trouble with money too but look into it first,,,PLEASE CALL THE BBB,Then quickly report to the police,
I am just curious.....how much did they ask from u guys,They asked me for 1000.00 crazy eh???I thank god we have no Money Grame here,
I hope i helped you all,and i will be watching for everyones replys,Take Care,and Be Careful
Have u applied at Canadian Loan Group??
I gave them 1500.00. I gave them basically my life savings. I am piss broke now. They sure do sound convincing though. Even the girl who I contacted in the applications area today was on board with their scam. She is wondering why I would be worried about not getting my loan. I did contact the RCMP today and hopefully something can be done. What we need to find out is who their lawyer is. Ryan Burke said their lawyers are working on trying to clear their name from some other company claiming to be them. Keep up the dreaming guys. We are on to you.
Just got a phone call from Mark Reynolds. He said I should have my cheque for sure by Monday. He also guaranteed my loan in my bank account on Thursday, July 26th. I will let you know what happens.
Have u applied at Canadian Loan Group??
I have also found out GLOBAL LOAN GROUP are scams,THEY are not out of the UK but IN AFRICA,,,THEY ARE DOWN RIGHT NASTY,,,PLEASE EVERYONE BEWARE! Report It
Have u applied at Canadian Loan Group??
I to contacted the opp and the phone busters today i feel like my whole life has been taken away when i talked to phone busters today they said they have had a lot of phone calls with the same complaint i hope to god they catch these guys soon. I wil stand with everybody on this and we stick together, I have all documentation and e-mials they have sent me.
Have u applied at Canadian Loan Group??
Well I am sure I was scammed but got a message on my cell form a Mark Renolds today at about 4pm. Telling me that my refund is in the mail and that I will recieve my loan on July 26! ya right! Ill keep all updated.. This does not change all my complaints and the police report I filed though..
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