My partner and I are applying for an SBA loan ($425K) to purchase an existing business. My partner had a felony conviction in the state of Washington, where we're applying for the loan, nearly 18 years ago. Does the SBA routinely run background checks for loans? (are we better off explaining it up front, or hoping they don't find out and playing dumb if they do?) We can't start the process to have it removed from his record for another two years... my partner was barely 18 when convicted, and the conviction didn't have anything to do with embezzlement, etc.
SBA loan - disclose OLD felony conviction?
Sometimes you get lucky and they ask about felony convictions in the last 10 years. But if they ask if you've ever had a felony conviction you have to be honest. If you are not, you can get busted for fraudulent statements on your application.
SBA loan - disclose OLD felony conviction?
Of course they'll do background checks - it's called %26quot;due dillgence%26quot;.
Say something now, and include the 18 years ago part. It doesn't matter what the conviction was for. What does matter is that he did the time, and presumably has been a law-abiding citizen since. Be absolutely honest.
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