
Monday, October 26, 2009

Where can i get a loan with past collection problems?

me and my husband have fair/good credit scores, but he has a judgement(paid off 2 months ago-from his college)and a couple things in collection(also paid off a couple months ago) on his credit history. i do not make enough to get a loan by myself so that's not an option.

are there any lenders who could help us without charging us an outrageous interest rate? and is having those issues on his credit report going to scare lenders off- how long should we wait to apply for a loan, even though they are all paid off? sorry, i know that was like 5 questions in one, but we just don't know where to go from here. we tried to get a loan a couple months ago, but they pretty much wouldn't even deal with us because of my husbands judgement. but now it's all paid and everything, so where do we start now???

Where can i get a loan with past collection problems?

The first thing I would do is check your credit report with every credit agency, including that damn new one, it starts with an I and i can't recall the entire name. You have the right, once per year, to get your credit report, usually even online, for free. or if you've had recent activity on the account that's negative, i think. anyway, it's eight bucks to get each one as far as i know. (www.),, and are the three that i had to deal with. each one probably has something different about you, won't be up to date and probably wont have that you've paid off your debts. you will need to get that credit report, follow through with having it updated and if that doesn't happen, i think it'd be worth hiring a paper pusher lawyer to let them know you're entitled and you know it. There aren't enough laws to protect consumers from Credit Agencies. They aren't monitered well and are sh***y as all hell. I've never been so shocked at an unfair system as at that. even the IRS is better monitered. They basically have your life in their hands and even if you've been robbed of your identity, they can refuse to correct it. hence my suggestion to hire someone who knows if things don't go right. plus, have the paperwork that says your payment was paid in full notarized by the people you paid, they should be fine doing that, and may be required, dunno. THEN worry about getting a loan. You'll still be on the slightly bad books because you just did pay it off, but if he gets a, say, three hundred limit credit card and pays it off EVERY month, say, just use it for gas, then it will help start building his credit back.

I wish you all the luck possible. It is not a remotely fair system, unless your credit is impeccable or if it's fairly good adn they can get a high interest rate without being whores. pardon, please. anyway, thse are the steps i recommend and i hope it pays off. at least it gives you somewhere to start.

Where can i get a loan with past collection problems?

Hi there,

I work over in Walnut Creek, I'm not sure where you're at, but depending on a few factors, the Loan to Value, what you're really looking to accomplish, there are many programs available. It's all a matter of what's going to work best for you. If you'd like to talk, let me know, and I'll get you the information you're looking pressure or b.s. I'm paid salary so I'm not lookin' to make a buck off anyone : )


Where can i get a loan with past collection problems?

who ever pulled your credit last can submit the PAID checks to the actual vendor. The vendor then can submit them to the 3 reporting agencies for an update. They can do this in as little as 24 hours. You will then showed paid collection and judgments in the file. You may be surprised the scores may improve. If NOT then you can get financed through FHA or VA any where in the country.

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